NHS & NJHS: Honor Society News


Think Globally. Act Locally.
The formal launch of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Student Leadership Initiative: Global Citizenship took place at the LEAD Conference in Denver on November 11 during a Facebook Live event. The initiative brings NASSP and its student programs—NHS, NJHS, the National Elementary Honor Society, and National Association of Student Councils—together to make a difference in schools, communities, and beyond. It is the first time these organizations have united in such a profound way with an effort that aims to encourage all students to think globally and act locally. Encourage your students to visit www.makingglobalchange.org and learn how they can make a world of difference.

2016-17 NHS Scholarship Program to Award Record Amount
Let your seniors know: The prestigious NHS Scholarship program is now accepting applications. This academic year, a total of $1 million—a new record amount—will be disbursed among 400 outstanding senior NHS members. Any senior NHS member in good standing may apply. The application deadline for students is February 1. Advisers, principals, and one additional faculty member must submit a recommendation for each applicant. Advisers must also certify student applications. Recommendations and certifications are due by February 10. Log in at www.nhs.us/scholarship and get instructions to share with members and your principal. Email [email protected] with any questions about the application process.

NHS Offers Advice for Students Preparing Scholarship Apps
Help your NHS students in their quest to support their higher education ambitions. Let them know about the free NHS Virtual College Application Essay Writing Workshops. Another installment called “Sharing Your Story Through Scholarship Application Essays” airs on Wednesday, December 14, 7:00–8:00 p.m. (ET). Registration is now open at www.nhs.us/virtualNHS. Students can also access previously recorded workshops on that webpage to watch on demand.

National Office Seeks Outstanding Advisers
NHS and NJHS recognize the extraordinary energy and commitment involved with being a chapter adviser. The Rynearson National Adviser of the Year program honors those advisers who go above the beyond. Nominate yourself or ask your principal to nominate you. One NHS and one NJHS adviser will win the 2016-17 award. Visit the NHS or NJHS website for the application and more information. Apply by February 15.

Outstanding Service Projects Sought
Applications are now being accepted for the 2016-17 Outstanding Service Project (OSP) awards. This year, your submission must be one that supports the ideals of global citizenship. Ten NHS and 10 NJHS projects will be selected. Please visit the OSP section of the NHS and NJHS websites for this year’s new criteria and access to the online application. Applications are due February 28.

Energize Your Leadership in February
Both student leaders and advisers from NHS and NJHS as well as student councils will trek to the nation’s capital the first weekend in February. More will venture to Chicago the very next weekend. They’re all headed to LEAD Conferences. Be among them and enjoy exciting speakers, informative panels, and valuable workshops to put new ideas into action at your school. Register soon to get early-bird discounts. Visit the LEAD Conferences website.


Membership Dues
Chapters determine and specify in their bylaws the amount of annual local chapter dues, if any, for their members. Dues are an option. Per Article IV, section 4 of the NHS and NJHS Constitutions, the dues amount is limited to $20 per member per year.

No student should be denied membership because they cannot pay dues, and the chapter cannot require extra fees. If necessary, review and update your chapter bylaws to comply with these policies.

Curbing Grievances
Throughout the year, the national office receives complaints filed against Honor Society chapters. These complaints include violations of selection policies, discipline and dismissal/due process problems, and other chapter management concerns. Many of the complaints are valid and raise serious questions regarding a chapter’s compliance with Honor Society policy.

Please review your local bylaws, selection procedures (which must be published), and disciplinary procedures to ensure compliance with the policies found in the NHS Constitution and NJHS Constitution and National Handbooks. If a parent or student raises concerns, please review those issues with your principal and faculty council, contact the national office for guidance, and make the appropriate changes to local procedures and practices to resolve the issue. For reference, the complaint procedure and FAQs about the process can be found on the NHS and NJHS websites.


National Student Project Database

There are more than 5,000 project ideas available at your fingertips! Log on now to the National Student Project Database on the NHS and NJHS websites for ideas from other schools and to submit your own successful projects!

Reminder: Please enter only projects that have been completed by your chapter, not proposed project ideas. Include project dates and photos (if you have them) along with your project description.

Is there something you’d like us to include in next month’s Honor Society News? Email your ideas or suggestions to [email protected].


NHS Scholarship program open

November 18
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards deadline for schools to certify applications

December 1
State Summit Ohio

December 14
Sharing Your Story Through Scholarship Application Essays,” 7:00–8:00 p.m. (ET) virtual college application essay writing workshop

December 19
LEAD Conference DC early-bird registration deadline

In the latest Advise:

Advise magazine cover

In the October/November Advise, Laura Watts’ article “Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Tools for Student Success at Your Fingertips” reminds advisers of the opportunities available to student members in pursuing their future endeavors, thanks to NHS and NJHS.

Tell us your story! If you’d like to contribute an article to Advise, view the editorial calendar and send your ideas to [email protected].

Save This Holiday Season! Shop the NHS and NJHS Store and save 10 percent off online orders when you enter code HOL16. Enjoy the comfort of shopping 24/7 with no lines and no waiting. This offer is valid through December 31, 2016. Start browsing the NHS Store or NJHS Store.

Did your order from the NHS or NJHS Store arrive in a timely fashion? Did the product you purchased really “wow” you? After you receive your order, be sure to go back to rate the product and share a few words about it. Look for the link to “Write a Review” with each product page.

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