Smartie Pants

Student council members at Southwest Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas decided to do something special to honor academic excellence. To celebrate students who received straight A’s for the quarter, they bundled eight Smarties candies together (one for each A earned) with a pants-shaped note that read, “Great job, smartie pants!” They then delivered the prize to the students to recognize a job well done. 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: empathetic actions and wellness

Go Fish!

The student council at Tomball High School in Texas annually hosts an event called “Fishing with PALS”—an opportunity for students to bond and grow closer with the special needs students of the school. (PALS, or Practical Application of Life Skills, is the name of the program designed to serve students who have significant cognitive or physical disabilities.) The day starts with students being bussed to a local pond and being greeted by fellow students with fishing poles for each of them. All the students love catching fish and helping one another throughout the day. 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: equity

Just Rewards

It can be easy for the efforts of average students to go unnoticed, especially at a large school. The student council at Eisenhower High School in Shelby Charter Township, MI, wanted to address this issue—thus, the Academic Rewards Closet was born. This is an actual closet located in the school’s main office that the student council stuffs with exclusive school apparel such as hoodies, sweatpants, and T-shirts. When the principal or a teacher notices a student who has done something worthy of recognition, that student is allowed to pick an item from the closet for free as a reward. 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: equity

Safety Net

Student council members at Sandy Valley Middle School in Nevada know the importance of internet safety. That is why they arranged for a sheriff to visit the school and talk about the potential dangers lurking on the web. The speaker touched on cyberbullying as well, citing other people’s stories and showing how students could learn from their mistakes. The assembly was a success, and students came away from it a lot wiser and more aware. 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: awareness/perspectives

Extra Food for Extra Credit

The National Honor Society at Genoa-Kingston High School in Genoa, IL, organizes a program where students turn in nonperishable foods or household items in return for extra credit. NHS members coordinate with teachers ahead of time, and promote the event with posters stating the points that will be awarded by each teacher, what items to bring, and when. Small items are worth five points, and larger items are worth 10. It’s a great way to get the whole school involved in helping the community! 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: empathetic actions and wellness


Northwest Career and Technical Academy student council students in Las Vegas organized a #GetThereSafe campaign, which promotes safe driving and following the rules of the road. Students arranged for an Allstate Insurance representative to speak with students about driver safety and how many lives it can save. Students were encouraged to sign a #GetThereSafe flag after reading the materials and listening to the Allstate speaker—signaling a pledge that they would drive safely. 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: positive social change


Student council members at Frank W. Cox High School in Virginia Beach, VA, participated in a student exchange with Bayside High School—a school located in the same city, but composed of different demographics, program offerings, and class sizes. Students were paired up and essentially switched places for the day, following one another’s schedules and attending classes at their respective schools. Students gained valuable insight by stepping out of their comfort zones for the day, and many of the students who participated in the exchange remain friends. 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: positive social change

Birthday in a Bag

National Honor Society members at Reedy High School in Frisco, TX, got a bright idea from their local food pantry. They had been collecting “Birthday in a Bag” donations to help families who cannot afford to throw a typical birthday party for their children. NHS students (and students campus-wide) were asked to donate a bag with the necessary supplies to give a child a great birthday celebration. Supplies can include cake mix, icing, plates, cups, party decorations, small gifts, goody bags, and a birthday card. NHS collected more than 75 bags to donate! 

Fulfills Global Citizenship Initiative strand: empathetic actions and wellness